
K17 office 506

Serge Gaspers  
Computer Science and Engineering  
Building K17  
Sydney NSW 2052, Australia


My expertise is in algorithms for computationally “intractable” problems from a large number of domains. While intractable in classical complexity theory, domain-specific features and structure often make these problems easier to solve in the real world. Modern approaches, like parameterized algorithms and complexity, identify and exploit the domain-specific structure. Quantum algorithms have the potential to further speed up these computations.

Please get in touch to talk about projects that appeal to both industry and academia.

Domains and Keywords
Boolean satisfiability, computational chemistry, constraint satisfaction, fair resource allocation, graph and network algorithms, preference aggregation, preprocessing, quantum algorithms, scheduling, self-interested agents, turbocharging heuristics, worst-case running time guarantees.

unsw students

If you are a UNSW student and would like to dedicate some of your time to

  • the implementation of graph algorithms
  • the implementation of algorithms for the fair allocation of indivisible items,
  • the design and analysis of quantum algorithms for intractable problems, or
  • research in parameterized complexity or exponential-time algorithms,
    then please get in touch and send me a CV, your university transcripts, and a few lines about how you would like to contribute to these areas.


2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students enrolled at universities in Australia or New Zealand can apply for Taste of Research scholarships. Domestic and international undergraduate and postgraduate students from partner and non-partner institutions can apply for the Study Abroad Research Practicum. International postgraduate students may be able to visit as Junior Visiting Research Fellows.

Please contact me by sending me your CV, your university transcripts, a few lines on your research interests and preferences, and information on what financial support you have and what financial support you would need from UNSW (if any).

honours students

UNSW students who are enrolled (or would like to enrol) in the Computer Science (Honours) program at UNSW can see my proposed Honours thesis topics in the CSE Thesis Topic Database. Feel free to propose your own topic if it is related to my research.

Please contact me by sending me your CV, your university transcripts, and a few lines on the research topics that you are interested in.

phd students

To enrol in the PhD program in computer science at UNSW, you are required to have achieved the equivalent of a Class 1 or Class 2.1 Honours degree from UNSW in computer science, mathematics, or a related field. Obtaining a PhD scholarship from UNSW is a very competitive process.

Please send me a CV, your university transcripts, and names and email addresses of 3 references. Please also indicate your research interests and whether you have any external funding for covering the UNSW tuition fee (for international students) and living costs. All scholarship applicants need to prepare a research proposal in consultation with the prospective supervisor (around 500 words).


Locally funded postdoctoral positions are advertised here when available.
Competitive fellowships enabling postdoctoral research at UNSW include: