the most important elements can be found below; more details are listed in the pdf
Name | Serge Gaspers | | |
Url | |
Summary | professor of computer science, specialising in algorithms for intractable problems |
2012.06 - Present Professor
UNSW Sydney
I decided to move to UNSW Sydney on a Vice-Chancellor's postdoctoral fellowship in 2012, mentored by Toby Walsh. Before I could take up the postdoctoral fellowship, I was awarded a DECRA (Discovery Early Career Award) by the Australian Research Council (ARC), which was followed up by a Future Fellowship. After 3 successful rounds of promotion, I became a professor in 2022. In 2018–2024 I served two consecutive 3-year terms as Associate Head of School (Research).
- Associate Head of School (Research). Jan 2018 — Feb 2024
- Future Fellowship
- Discovery Projects 2015 & 2021
- head of Algorithms group
- collaborative research projects with NICTA and Data61
2010.10 - 2012.05 -
2009.09 - 2010.09 -
2009.01 - 2010.08 postdoctoral researcher
Université de Montpellier
Funded by an ANR project on graph decompositions and algorithms (joint between LaBRI, LIAFA, and LIRMM).
2006.01 - 2008.12 PhD
Universitetet i Bergen, Bergen, Norway
computer science
- Algorithms
- PhD thesis 2008 'Exponential Time Algorithms: Structures, Measures, and Bounds' supervised by Fedor V. Fomin, co-supervised by Pinar Heggernes, and examined by Thore Husfedt, Ryan Williams, and Dag Haugland
2002.09 - 2005.09 Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies Informatique de Lorraine
Université de Lorraine, Metz/Nancy, France
computer science
- Licence Informatique
- Maîtrise Informatique
- Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies Informatique de Lorraine
- Maîtrise thesis 2004 'Algorithmes pour le problème de domination d'un graphe' supervised by Dieter Kratsch
- Master thesis 2005 'Algorithmes exponentiels' supervised by Dieter Kratsch
2000.09 - 2002.09 Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie en Informatique
Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
computer science
- Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie en Informatique
- Mémoire de fin d'études 'Création d'un Firewall' supervised by Paul Yans